Sunday, January 11, 2009

A New Direction

Alright, seeing as the next NaNoWriMo is a bit farther off, I'm taking a new direction with this blog.

As often as possible - hopefully daily, if not, then a few times a week - I'll be posting short stories or little spoken-word-type posts. These most likely will not be small, but they ought to be a bit different - hopefully.

So, yeah, that's about it. Hopefully you like 'em. I'll start off right after this.

Ah, I'm not sure if even introduced myself. Sorry 'bout that...

I'm Clarise, yup, the crazy one from Seventeen Going On One Million and Off The Presses, Into Hands, and this will be yet another blog. I know, I'm crazy - I warned before hand, though, didn't I?

I'm an amateur writer, with a whole legion of semi-completed novels and short stories, a few (rare things) finished short stories, a mountain of un-thought-out poetry and one single completed screenplay.

So far, I've competed in two consecutive years of NaNoWriMo - National Novel Writing Month - and have won once. My first and only victory so far? My first year. For those unfamiliar with NaNo, the goal is to write 50,000 words of fiction in 30 days. Yeah. Now are you convinced I'm crazy?

My entire reason for this blog started as a running commentary about my adventures through NaNo - but I think I can turn this into my running commentary about my adventures through the English language as a girl who simply loves to write and is coming to rather disheartening realizations that her writing is far from publishable.

So, that's the basic story - I hope to convince you that I'm either crazy or not so crazy as the tales go on. 

Cheers to constant adventures in English - while many others might consider you a geek, nerd or just plain weird.

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