Monday, October 27, 2008

The Kick-Off... And The Sorting Hat...

This year... in the Edmonton Region Group of NaNoWriMo Participants - aka Edmowrimos - had our first NaNo Event of 2008! The Kick-Off Party was a mad gathering of food (amazing bread-crumb-covered Mac and Cheese whomever made that), Wrimos new and old, MLs and new ideas! Due to our amazingness, the Edmowrimo Group has judged that we are going to compete against ourselves instead of bludger the competition.
Thus, the House System was born! Well, not really... The House System was established in England long ago, but it was recently popularized by the Harry Potter Series. While it might seem a bit nerdy, it's used in pretty much every kind of organization - sports teams, if you think about it. Any kind of competition and community, really.
Well, in the Kick-Off, we were to draw a coloured lanyard from a hat in order to be sorted. There were four different colours - one for each house.

Red : Exclaimation Mark House / HOUSE! / Exclamador
Blue : Parentheses House / (HOUSE) / Parentheclaw
Green : Question Mark House / HOUSE? / Questyrin
Yellow : Ellipsis House / HOUSE... / Ellipsipuff

I have no idea why, but I've wanted to be in HOUSE... since the concept was introduced. So, I was, of course, naturally ecstatic to find myself holding a yellow lanyard after dipping my hand into the hat. Now, after the Edmowrimos were sorted, the festivities began!
Food, food, food and some drinks accompanied some new friends and soon I was having a heck of a lot of fun!
Unfortunately, I couldn't stay for the entire night - I had to attend the Rocky Horror Picture Show!!! It was amazing. 

NaNoNovel 2008 "End to End" Progress :
Same as the 26 October Post...

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